
Advocacy Fund

In order to be effective and responsive in a timely manner, CPF has established a new Advocacy Fund for the Future that will allow CPF to act quickly and access much-needed resources to protect and promote California’s irreplaceable historic resources through hands-on advocacy. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the Advocacy Fund for the Future was established with a $50,000 challenge gift, restricted to expanding our advocacy work in California. The Advocacy Fund can only be used to support specific activities to advance our mission that cannot be covered by our normal operating funds.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 73% Funded
  • $36,270.00 Donated
  • $50,000.00 Goal
  • 20 Donors

About the Campaign

CPF is continuing to build a broad-based coalition to pursue legislation and government action to establish new or defend existing laws that protect historic resources.  Working with our partners at the national level, we will continue to defend laws and programs that are powerful and effective incentives to protect historic places and communities across the country.

Our Plan to build the Advocacy Fund for the Future:

  • The grant is 1:1 match and requires $50,000 in matching funds to be raised by CPF.
  • The grant requires matching gifts from a donor, company, organization, individual, local, statewide or federal partner to be designated specifically for the Advocacy Fund for the Future.
  • Any use of the fund will require an action by the CPF Board of Trustees.
  • Advocacy Fund donations are restricted to costs and expenses including:
    • Retaining and hiring experts, legal counsel, lobbyists and consultants to provide services for CPF’s advocacy work such as assisting in the protection of historic buildings and resources in danger of being destroyed or significantly altered, and/or any work that CPF’s Board of Trustees deems is necessary or useful towards fulfilling its mission of advocacy work in California.
    • Publications and printed materials in direct support of board-approved advocacy initiatives and campaigns.
    • Travel and related expenses for staff solely related to advocacy work and projects.

How you can help:

  • Designate a contribution to CPF toward the “Advocacy Fund for the Future.”
  • Help us spread the word among the preservation community about CPF’s fund to encourage matching gifts in order to meet the three-year deadline.


Investing in the preservation and protection of California’s history is an investment in California and the generations to come.

Donations to the Advocacy Fund for the Future can be sent to California Preservation Foundation, Attn. Advocacy Fund, 5 Third Street, Suite 424, San Francisco, CA 94103.

Your Donation

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  • Gene Heck

    Tax credits provide a needed incentive to preserve our heritage.

    April 5, 2019 at 10:16 am Reply

  • Denise H.

    Thank you for your advocacy. California needs more housing, but that can be done without destroying historic buildings and neighborhoods.

    May 5, 2019 at 12:38 pm Reply

  • Kara Brunzell

    I’m proud to be a small part of this effort

    May 15, 2019 at 12:26 pm Reply