California Environmental Quality Act Part 1: CEQA Basics
A 90-minute look at the California Environmental Quality Act as it relates to historic preservation. This session will explore the “who’s who” of the CEQA process, including the lead agencies, as well as the differences between ministerial and discretionary projects. Participants will learn which historic resources trigger CEQA review and examine the process from initial review to Environmental Impact Report.
Speaker Bio
Christopher McMorris is a partner and architectural historian at JRP Historical Consulting, LLC with over 16 years experience in the field of historic preservation and cultural resources management. Mr. McMorris holds a M.S. in Historic Preservation from Columbia University. His bachelor degrees are from the University of Rochester in New York. Mr. McMorris specializes in conducting historic resource studies for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the California Environmental Quality Act, along with other historic preservation projects. He serves as a lead historian, principal investigator, and project manager on projects for federal, state, and local government, as well as for engineering/environmental consulting firms and others. Many of his projects involve survey and evaluation of historic resources under the criteria for the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical Resources, along with analysis of effects projects may have on historic properties and measures to mitigate those effects. Mr. McMorris is an adjunct faculty member at California State University, Sacramento’s Public History Program, where he teaches a seminar on historic preservation. He has also conducted multiple historic resources compliance training seminars and made numerous conference presentations, including previous CPF events.
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Posted in: California Environmental Quality Act, Preservation Basics, Preservation Law, Webinars