Featured Image Courtesy John Loo
A Commissioner and Planner’s Primer to the California Environmental Quality Act
This Workshop is Made Possible by a Generous Partnership with the Port of San Francisco
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is one of this state’s most important environmental laws for protecting historic resources. CEQA establishes a series of procedures to ensure that agencies accomplish the law’s purposes. The state has adopted CEQA guidelines to assist agencies in implementing the law. This workshop addresses practical issues encountered by planning staff and planning and preservation commissioners in the CEQA process, including steps in commenting and establishing the record, when to comment, what to include, and the use of expert testimony; scoping sessions; negative Declarations & Mitigated Negative Declarations; and the structure and key things to know about the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).Learning Objectives
- Become adept at the "Who's Who" of CEQA, historic resources that qualify for review, statutory and categorical exemptions, and more
- Fully understand the collaborative decision-making process in CEQA
- Identify how the CEQA process differs at the state and local levels, and how CEQA interacts with NEPA and Section 106
- Develop adequate and defensible mitigation measures that meet the public's needs and address impacts to historic resources