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Innovative Technologies and Emerging Techniques: 3D Documentation and Reproduction

Preservation Technology Part III

Join us for Part III of our Preservation Technology series and discover how cutting-edge 3D scanning and reproduction technologies are transforming preservation practices in landmark restoration projects. The presentations will include detailed case studies, methodologies, technical insights, and a Q&A session.

Featured Case Studies:

  • First National Bank Building, Napa
    • Shari Kamimori from 3DVDT and Lisa Federici and David Bassett of Scansite will present a case study on the interior restoration project following the 2014 South Napa Earthquake. Learn about the use of 3D technologies in restoring intricate details, including crown moulding.
  • Martinique Hotel, New York
    • Yifeng Zhang of CANY and Michael Blackburn of Darwen Terracotta Limited, will discuss the project involving 3D scanning technologies to reproduce terracotta sculpture blocks at the historic Martinique Hotel in New York.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the intersection of technology and preservation with expert insights from industry leaders. Join us for a comprehensive session showcasing the practical application of 3D technologies in preservation.


This program is part two of a three-program series with a focus on preservation technology. Two additional programs include:

  • Thursday, June 20th, 10:30am-1pm — Part I (PAST)
    Preservation Tech — The Three Gs: GFRG, GFRC, and GFRP
  • Thursday, August 1st, 10:30am-1pm — Part II
    Preservation Tech — Structural Code Updates, Fire Engineering, and Resiliency

*These programs are available individually or may be purchased together at a discounted rate. If your registration includes past programs, you will receive a recording of the program as well as the presentations and any associated materials. Members receive a 10% discount on rates shown, with greater discounts offered a higher levels of individual, group, and organization membership:

  • One Program Only: regularly priced ($75 for one program)

  • Two Programs: the second program will be discounted by 33% ($125 for both programs)

  • All Three Programs: the second program will be discounted by 33%, the third program will be discounted by 66% ($150 for all programs)



Speaker bios coming soon!