Cultural Landscapes: Evaluation, Treatment, and Management

Fort Mason, part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) will be the focus of this case study in cultural landscape research, documentation, evaluation and treatment planning at the National Park Service. Staff from the GGNRA and the Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation will discuss the issues leading to initiation of the Fort Mason cultural landscape project, and will explain the project timeline and process that has outlined a clear program of landscape treatment tasks aimed at preserving and enhancing the historic character of one of San Francisco’s most important urban parks.


Learning Objectives

  1. Use Fort Mason as a case study to gain familiarity with the process of documenting landscape history, evaluating landscape significance, identifying contributing characteristics and features and planning effective   treatment.
  2. Review effective strategies for scoping and carrying out complex multi-phase landscape preservation projects.
  3. Identify critical landscape characteristics and features and develop treatment priorities through a clearly worded site specific landscape preservation philosophy.
  4. Understand the role of cultural landscape inventories and cultural landscape reports within the wider planning framework of the National Park Service.


  • Christopher Beagan, Historical Landscape Architect, Olmsted Center
  • Eliot Foulds, Senior Project Manager, Olmsted Center
  • Amy Hoke, Historical Landscape Architect, GGNRA

Documents and Downloads

To be determined.