Featured Image Courtesy Photo Courtesy The City Project, Creative Commons
GIS, LiDAR, and Laser Scanning in Historic Preservation
- Introduction to lidar and laser scanning technology
- Fundamentals in use with project planning
- Recent applications of lidar and GIS in cultural resources management
Learning Objectives
- Learn what lidar and laser scanning are and how they can be applied to projects and planning
- Learn the different types and uses of lidar and laser scanning – how to acquire, process, and use it
- Understand the uses of laser scanning technology for cultural resources identification
- Using the real-world case studies, become familiar with models for the successful application of these technologies for preservation
- Understand what to look for and what to ask for when attempting to use lidar data
Documents & Downloads
- Mr. Dave Krolick, M.A., Corporate Manager of Mapping and Spatial Information Technology, has worked for ECORP since 2004 and has 15 years’ experience as GIS analyst, database developer and spatial modeler. His experience is extensive and includes managing Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data collection for large scale projects, both public and private, at all stages of completion from study design to post construction monitoring. Mr. Krolick has a long history of working with lidar and lidar data, and has been instrumental in the collection and analysis of lidar data on over a dozen projects in the past 8 years. He has utilized a lidar-based approach for watershed analysis and management projects, vegetation identification and mapping, oak tree mapping and monitoring to support CEQA, cultural resource studies, and identification and for restoration design and monitoring studies.
- Lisa Westwood, M.A., RPA, is a Registered Professional Archaeologist with 20 years of cultural resources experience. She exceeds the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for prehistoric and historical archaeologist, holding a B.A. degree in Anthropology and an M.A. degree in Anthropology (Archaeology). Ms. Westwood has extensive experience applying laser scanning technology to cultural resources management projects at the airborne, terrestrial, and desktop levels to aid in the identification, evaluation, and mitigation of archaeological sites. She recently served as principal investigator on several large development projects in Sacramento County, where she incorporated aircraft-mounted LIDAR, ground-based HDS laser scanning, and desktop artifact scanning into mitigation for adverse effects to historic properties. This use of laser scanning technology in cultural resources mitigation was the first of its kind and was quickly approved and adopted by the State Historic Preservation Officer and US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District and is regarded by the agencies as an exemplary use of technology in cultural resources management.