Part 1: Preservation Education: Learning from the Field

L.A. Conservancy Director of Education, Sarah Lann and Architectural Historian Nelson White of SWCA Environmental Consultants will host a webinar for fellow educators examining the integration of preservation themes into programs and curricula designed for k-12thgraders. The webinar will focus on best practices in the place-based education sector, and how leaders in historic preservation education are creating innovative models and methodologies to connect and empower young people to their built environments. The goal is for participants to share their successes and failures, to learn from fellow practitioners, and to come away armed with strategies and ideas for implementing relevant, forward-thinking lessons and programs into their work with students and young people. This will be a webinar led by educators, for educators: it will allow a chance for leaders in the field to connect and learn from their peers.

Learning Objectives

  1. To give preservation educators across the country a forum to discuss their work with schools and k-12th graders.
  2. To provide practitioners with working knowledge of how to integrate preservation themes into educational content and curricula that meet state standards and school/learning community needs.
  3. To discuss best practices in creating relevance for communities regarding historic places through educational events and materials.
  4. To inspire continued communications among preservation’s leaders in the field of preservation education for k-12th graders.


Sarah Lann, Director of Education, Los Angeles Conservancy; Nelson White, Architectural Historian, SWCA Environmental Consultants