Featured Image Courtesy © Stephen Schafer Photography www.HABSPHOTO.com. Highlight Project: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Architectural Resources Group.
SOI 360: A Refreshed Look at the Secretary of Interior’s Standards
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties is among the most frequently consulted historic preservation guidelines. This three-hour seminar will include an introduction to the four treatment approaches and a review of the Standards for Rehabilitation; advice on interpreting the guidelines and understanding their inherent flexibility, as well as a look at recent guidance documents from the NPS; and case studies that illustrate creative and innovative approaches.
By the end of the program you will:
Be able to identify the four treatment approaches and when to apply them
Have a basic understanding of the 10 Standards for Rehabilitation
Better understand the inherent flexibility in using and interpreting the standards
Become acquainted with lesser-known, topical guidance documents from the National Park Service
Committee Leads and Moderators
Namrata Dadawala, a materials conservation specialist based in Page&Turnbull's Los Angeles office, brings enriched experience from working in diverse cultural settings in India, Spain, and the United States. She has worked across various project scales and typologies, including cultural, institutional, and residential. Dadawala holds a bachelor's degree in architecture from CEPT University, India, and a Master's degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania. This experience provides her with a deep understanding of architectural heritage and preservation practices, allowing her to approach projects with both technical expertise and cultural awareness.
Molly Iker-Johnson, Architectural Historian, ICF.
John LoCascio, AIA, Principal Architect, Historic Resources Group. John LoCascio holds a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Historic Preservation degrees, both from the University of Southern California, and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in Historic Architecture. A licensed, practicing architect for over nearly three decades, Mr. LoCascio has worked on a wide variety of projects involving historic buildings in Southern California. In addition, he served on the Board of Directors of The Glendale Historical Society, a non-profit historic preservation advocacy organization, from 2003 to 2012 and served as the group’s president from 2008 to 2011. He was awarded the Society’s Zelia Blanton Award in 2012 in recognition of his efforts in advancing the cause of historic preservation in Glendale. He has also served as the Executive Director of Claremont Heritage, reviewing environmental documents, researching and preparing policy statements and advising the City of Claremont on planning and design issues.
Mr. LoCascio’s areas of focus at HRG include preservation architecture and technology, building conservation, historic structure reports and federal historic rehabilitation tax credit projects. He provides technical assistance for construction documents, design and construction monitoring, and paint and materials sampling and analysis services.
Brian Goeken, Chief, Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service. Brian Goeken, AICP, is chief of the Technical Preservation Services (TPS) division of the National Park Service (NPS). The NPS, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, administers the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program with the Internal Revenue Service. Since the program's inception in 1976, it has generated more than $96.9 billion in private investment in historic rehabilitation, in communities large and small throughout the nation, and is the federal government's largest and most effective program promoting historic preservation and community revitalization through historic rehabilitation. TPS also issues the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the treatment of historic properties, which include the rehabilitation standards widely used at the national, state and local levels, as well as for the HTC program, and develops other historic preservation guidance and information on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings. Prior to joining the NPS in 2011, Mr. Goeken was a deputy commissioner in Chicago's planning and development department for more than 10 years, and has more than 25 years of experience in historic preservation, urban planning, architecture, economic development and urban design.
Samuel Mengelkoch, Principal, Structural Focus. Sam has over 22 years of experience in structural engineering and project management for new, existing, and historic building projects. As a Principal with Structural Focus, Sam serves as Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager for ground-up, seismic retrofit, adaptive reuse, and historic rehabilitation projects; he recently completed the construction phase of Harbor House, an adaptive re-use and seismic retrofit project, and is currently working on the renovation of a multi-building beachfront hotel, a ground-up podium-style luxury multi-family, and an historic adobe restoration project. Sam was re-elected President of the Southern California Chapter of EERI in 2024, and is an active member of SEAOSC, ULI, and LAHQ. In October 2005, Sam volunteered with the California Office of Emergency Services to provide structural engineering support in areas heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina in and around New Orleans. He is also responsible for the organization of the Structural Focus earthquake response program and assisted DreamWorks Animation and the City of Glendale in developing the first post-earthquake Building Occupancy Resumption Program in Southern California. Sam holds clear communication paramount in his work,and both clients and fellow engineers value his insight and leadership.