Moderator Roberta Deering, LEED AP, oversees the City of Sacramento’s Certified Local Government preservation program, including staff support to the City’s Preservation Commission, preservation project and environmental review, historic resources survey, nomination, and incentives programs, including a Historic Places Fund to provide matching-grant assistance for private historic rehabilitation projects. She also serves as the executive staff for Sacramento Heritage, Inc., a public/private non-profit organization chartered by the City.Roberta has over thirty years of experience in historic preservation planning, public policy, advocacy, fundraising, consulting, training and management. |
Melisa Gaudreau leads Page & Turnbull’s Sacramento office, established in 2007 to serve the Central Valley. Trained as both an architect and engineer, Melisa’s role since 1999 has been as a project manager and project architect on a wide range of rehabilitation projects and technical studies. She has managed the rehabilitation design and Historic Structure Report for the State Capital building, the exterior masonry conservation and cleaning of Memorial Auditorium, and more recently the Sacramento Southern Pacific Railway Station.Melisa specializes in rehabilitation design, Historic Preservation Tax Credit applications, Section 106 review documentation, application of the California Historical Building Codes, and technical evaluations in support of CEQA compliance. She is a board member of Sacramento Heritage and is active in moderating presentations for the Association for Preservation Technology, the California Preservation Foundation and Sacramento’s Preservation Roundtable. |
Mark Huck, AIA, LEED AP, received his bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Michigan, and currently serves as a Restoration Architect for the California State Office of Historic Preservation. As a member of the Architectural Review Unit his responsibilities include the statewide review of Federal tax credit projects and providing architectural review and technical assistance to federal and state-mandated programs, government agencies, and the general public.Mark’s preservation practice spans 30 years and includes design of investment tax credit projects,rehabilitation of federal buildings in Washington DC and renovations of historic buildings that conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. He has served on the board of the Association for Preservation Technology International, two APT local chapter boards and local neighborhood design review boards. He is currently appointed to Sacramento's Preservation Commission. |
Michael F. Malinowski has been providing adaptive historic re-use, urban infill, affordable housing, single family residential, and commercial revitalization design solutions for 34 years as principal of Applied Architecture, Sacramento CA. Mike is an alumnus of the University of Michigan active with the AIA for over 35 years, where his service has ranged from presidency of his local component to the National Board of Directors (2012-2014).Mike was elected Vice President/President Elect of the 11,000 member AIA California Council for 2015-2016. A volunteer with the City of Sacramento for decades, Michael has chaired its Development Oversight Commission, Preservation Board, and Design Review Boards. In 2008, he was named one of the Sacramento Region’s “100 Most Influential Persons.”Mike founded the “Code Conversation” Program 12 years ago, which forges solid relationships between design professionals and code officials. |