About Naomi Miroglio
Website: https://argsf.com
Naomi Miroglio has been with Architectural Resources Group since 1985 and became a Principal in 1999. She has designed numerous award-winning projects for historic properties, including seismic strengthening, adaptive reuse, preservation and tax credit projects. Naomi has led the adaptive reuse of multiple buildings at the Culinary Institute of America, Greystone including the Rudd Center for Wine Education, a 2002 California Preservation Design Award, and the William’s Center for Flavor Discovery, a 2004 Napa County Landmark Award. She brings experience working with diverse user groups and development committees in evaluating and rehabilitating significant facilities. Naomi’s professional background is augmented by training in architectural conservation at the International Centre for Conservation, Rome, Italy.
Posts by Naomi Miroglio
A Layered History: The Rebirth of a Napa Icon
January 6, 2020 in Blog