Featured Image Courtesy Tim Griffith
Navigating Historic Corridors: Preservation & Transportation Development
Unique and complex challenges lie at the intersection of historic preservation and transportation projects. This workshop offers a roadmap of California’s transportation infrastructure history, exploring strategies preservationists can use to respond to and manage new interventions in transportation, from large-scale highway infrastructure projects to high-speed rail.
This workshop covers a wide range of topics, from federal funding that triggers Section 106 of the National Environmental Policy Act, to reasonable mitigation measures. Transportation projects involve a complex 1cadre of stakeholders, including tribes, historic preservation groups, city and regional planners, structural engineers, and developers and engineers, both public and private. In this course, you will hear effective case studies and learn tools for working out amenable solutions for all.

This Workshop is Sponsored in Part by the California State Railroad Museum

This Workshop is in Partnership with Preservation Sacramento
Learning Objectives
- Understand the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 process as they pertain to transportation projects
- Identify unique challenges and solutions faced by architects, engineers, and contractors in rehabilitating and upgrading historic transportation infrastructure-related sites.
- Determine feasible and reasonable mitigation measures by pointing to real-world case examples in transportation infrastructure.
- Develop an efficient and clear process for managing environmental review for transportation projects.
2018-07-18_Transit Agenda
ACHP Letter
Alexandra Neeb, Branch Chief, Section 106 Coordination Branch Cultural Studies Office, Caltrans Division of Environmental Analysis;
Steve Bragato, Wooden Window;
Melisa Gaudreau, AIA, Director of Sacramento Office, Page & Turnbull;
Susan Lassell, Principal, Cultural Resources, ICF International
; Steve Mikesell, Owner, Mikesell Historical Consulting
; Chad Moffett, Cultural Resources Market Leader, Mead & Hunt
Posted in: Sustainability, Workshops