Implementing New Methodology for Historic Resource Surveys

During SurveyLA's initiation phase (2006-2009), the City of Los Angeles's Office of Historic Resources worked with a team of consultants, interns and volunteers to develop and test innovative methodologies for completing historic resources surveys. The project is currently in its implementation phase and a year of surveys are being completed using a custom-designed mobile field database and citywide historic context statement. This webinar will focus on The SurveyLA program itself: the current status of this multi-year project, its relevance in the national and international context of historic resource management, and the ongoing success and progress of the public outreach component; and the findings and challenges encountered in the field in the first group of surveys.


  • Ken Bernstein, AICP, Manager, Office of Historic Resources & Principal City Planner, City of Los Angeles
  • Janet Hansen, Deputy Manager, Office of Historic Resources, City of Los Angeles
  • Katie Horak, Architectural Historian, Architectural Resources Group, Inc.