Annual Conference

May 6 – 10 | Sacramento Convention Center

Advocacy Day: Tuesday, May 6th


Our Heritage in Games

Bringing Historic New York to Life:
Designing Iconic Cityscapes for Popular Gaming Environments

Thursday, March 20th, 12 – 1pm Pacific

Featured Image (c) 2025 Marvel, Courtesy Joshua Noble, Insomniac Games

My Path to Preservation

Insights from a Structural Engineer with Russell Kehl

Tuesday, March 18th, 12 – 1pm Pacific

CEQA Fundamentals for Projects Affecting Historic Resources

Two-Part Program

Thursdays, March 13th & 27th, 10 – 1pm Pacific
$0-$108 Members | $120 Non-Members

Watch All Our FREE Webinars! More than fifty presentations available from Tiki to CEQA to Modernism. Find the videos on our Facebook page or here for the same videos on our YouTube channel.  View a list of current and ongoing events below.


What we do

The California Preservation Foundation provides statewide leadership, advocacy and education to ensure the protection of California’s diverse cultural heritage and historic places.


From the loss of our historic post offices, to documenting the storied sites of Route 66, to state rehabilitation tax credits, to mapping LGBTQ heritage, and providing programs to designate sites associated with underrepresented communities, we are the leading statewide advocacy organization fighting to protect our diverse heritage at the state legislature and Washington.

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More than 30,000 preservation professionals and local advocates each year rely on CPF for education leadership, something we have provided for nearly five decades. Our annual conference is the West Coast’s largest and most respected, drawing upwards of 750 people to discuss innovative preservation strategies and approaches. We are an international provider of preservation education with participants in 49 states and 13 countries. 

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We recognize and share stories of the state’s irreplaceable places. Over 600 exemplary projects have received a prestigious Preservation Design Award from CPF. We celebrate California’s unique built heritage through tours, site-specific gatherings, and networking events.

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Over 35,000 people benefit from our educational events every year.

What we’re doing now >>



Over our 40-year history, thousands of dedicated volunteers have helped us protect historic places in the state.

How can you help?



In the last five years, we have partnered hundreds of local nonprofit, government, and professional organizations. We recognize that collaboration ensures a stronger preservation coalition.

See our past partners >>



Since 1983, we have bestowed more than 500 prestigous Preservation Design Awards for exemplary work in historic preservation.

Learn about our design awards >>

Our Community