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CPF People Power Program Schedule: Watch Free Now!
CPF is a leader in on-line learning and digital platforms for education, training, and networking. Our new toolbox of programs will keep you informed and provide the runway you need to launch in preservation and conservation. Check the links below or visit our Facebook Video or YouTube Channel pages for all our FREE webinar content.
A Lunch and Learn Q&A highlighting hot topics in the field with top-level experts.
A Happy Hour speaker series featuring creatives that stir the imagination and provide opportunities for connection through popular-culture topics.
Revisit our most popular webinars. Once per month we will be re-releasing content from our vault, including topics such as Disneyland and Post-Modernism.
Be sure to visit our Facebook Videos or YouTube channel to catch all of these free webinars.
From the Vault
Take Me On A Trip: The Architectural Style & History Behind Disney’s Attractions
This fun tour, a favorite for storytelling in architecture, includes six handouts in PDF format as well as the previously-recorded webinar. What can historic preservationists, architects, architectural historians, and interior designers learn from these facsimile versions of the past, and how do they demonstrate the character defining features of California – and the world’s – most common and well-defined architectural styles? This 90-minute webinar will take you on a visual trip through historic architectural styles by examining some of Disneyland’s most iconic designed attractions and landscapes. Expert historians and architectural historians will help illuminate the design influence for these attractions and explain why “entertainment architecture” is effective because of its use of stylistic templates that we know and recognize. Click “Get a Recording” to download. Watch at your leisure and share with your friends!
Pro Preservationist Speaker Series
“Dams & Disasters: An Historic Overview of California Dams and Their Risks” with Dr. J. David Rogers. April 15, FREE RECORDING HERE
In this wide-ranging lecture, Dr. J. David Rogers will give a fascinating overview of the history of California’s historic dams, including infamous failures, providing food-for-thought for professionals interested in resiliency planning for water infrastructure. For cultural resource planners, this lecture will also give a general overview of California’s historic dams, their character defining features, and their risk characteristics.You can also access the free recorded program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
The Doctor Is In
“Preservation Marketing in a Crisis” with Cindy Olnick, Communications Consultant. April 21, FREE RECORDING HERE
How does your work fit into our new reality? Join communications consultant Cindy Olnick as we dive into this timely topic. How should you be communicating to your donors, partners, clients, and prospects? Should you hold off on fundraising? Is preservation even relevant right now? This live Q&A session will offer practical tips and examples to help you navigate this new territory. Email questions (and any examples of great messages) in advance to cindy@cindyolnick.com for answers during the session, or just ask when you get there! You can also access the free recorded program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
And Now for Something Completely Different
“Buildings on Film: Bridging Art and Architecture” with Jeannine Oppewall, Production Designer
Oppewall worked for six years with Charles and Ray Eames in their Southern California Studio before transitioning to a career in film as a production designer. The four-time Oscar nominee and recipient of an Art Director’s Guild of American Lifetime Achievement Award will be chatting with us about the use of architecturally significant buildings in three films: LA Confidential, Catch Me If You Can, and Rules Don’t Apply. She will also talk about what can result from overexposure of an historic site, such as the crush of tourists to Dubrovnik after Game of Thrones. You can also access the free recorded program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
From the Vault
Beyond Mod: After Venturi, What is the Future of Postmodernism?
Post-modernism unabashedly borrowed from previous architectural styles to create its own reaction to the austerity and sterility of modernist architecture. Sometimes described as “kitschy” and “playful,” the Po-Mo style found fertile ground in California–in suburban office parks, downtown shopping malls, and amusement parks. This webinar will look at what to preserve and how to preserve postmodernism, including the challenges of this whimsical and unique style of architecture that often used ephemeral construction materials. Click “Get a Recording” to download. Available through May 31, 2020. Watch at your leisure and share with your friends!
The Doctor Is In
Preservation Positive L.A., Housing, Density and More! with Adrian Scott Fine (Los Angeles Conservancy) and Don Rypkema (PlaceEconomics)
While anecdotally we know preservation and the reuse of older and historic buildings benefits peoples’ lives, what has been missing—until now—is the data and analysis to fully back up these claims. Preservation Positive Los Angeles is a groundbreaking new study showing how preservation positively affects housing, affordability, sustainability, density, and economics. As the affordable housing crisis is only likely to intensify with CODIV-19, new California legislation looms again and potentially puts historic neighborhoods at risk. Tune in for this live Q&A to hear the study’s surprising results and myth-busting findings, including that retaining older, denser neighborhoods preserves more affordable housing, the ultimate win-win! Download the study using the link above. You can also access the free recorded program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
Pro Preservationist Speaker Series “One Square Mile, 10,000 Voices” – Using Augmented Reality to Enrich Historic Site Interpretation with Documentary Filmmaker Sue Ding and sound artist Halsey Burgund
Ding and Burgund will share their California Humanities grant-winning project, “One Square Mile, 10,000 voices,” which communicates the complex and difficult history of the Manzannar National Historic Landmark, a site of Japanese incarceration during World War II. At Manzanar, where more than 10,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated during World War II, audio files are now geolocated across the landscape. Using a mobile app and headphones, visitors to the National Historic Landmark will be able to walk through the site while being introduced to oral histories, scholarly observations, and comments of other visitors.Ding and Burgund will talk about the challenges and opportunities of integrating augmented reality into historic sites and will cover how artists, advocates, historic preservationists, and other stakeholders can help ensure the history of sites is told through the lens of those whose histories are often overlooked in historic sites.
CPF Annual Preservation Conference
A Changing Climate for Preservation
For over 40 years, CPF’s annual conference has been the “go-to” educational opportunity for preservation professionals on the West Coast. Our annual conference brings more than 600 participants from across the world to learn, network, and share successes. We featured more than 25 unique sessions taught by 75 expert presenters. Don’t miss these sessions:
- Five educational tracks covering a range of important issues facing communities across the country, including topical issues relevant to the best current practices in the historic preservation field:
- Climate Change
- Affordable Housing
- Diversity and Inclusion in Historic Preservation
- Infill Development
Conference Keynote presentation: The Age of the Overlapping Crisis: Managing Housing, Preservation, Equity, and the Environment, by noted author and journalist Anthony Flint. Anthony is a senior fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; urban design critic, The Boston Globe; correspondent for CityLab; and contributing editor, Land Lines magazine. He is author of Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on New York’s Master Builder and Transformed the American City and This Land: The Battle over Sprawl and the Future of America. Watch Anthony’s keynote presentation on our YouTube channel.

Adam Arenson researched Millard Sheets’ commercial architecture for his book “Banking on Beauty.” He’s here by a Sheets Studio mosaic outside the former Pomona First Federal branch in Claremont, less than a mile from the Sheets design studio. (Photo by David Allen)
From the Vault
Millard Sheets and Home Savings: Mid-Century Modern Architecture for Corporate and Urban Identity with Adam Arenson
Author Adam Arenson will present the research from his new book Banking on Beauty, studying Millard Sheets’ architectural commissions, including the marquee branches of Home Savings and Loan throughout California and beyond. Connecting Sheets’ work to stylistic precedents, including California world fairs and Rockefeller Center, Arenson continues past the sale of Home Savings to Washington Mutual to explore the preservation challenges for this work today. He explores the workings of this “California Modern” studio that included not just architects and interior designers but painters, sculptors and stained-glass artists. Some of Millard Sheets’s original color renderings of the Home Savings buildings will also be highlighted. Arenson will explicitly describe their role in the process of meeting client and zoning-board expectations when siting and constructing these buildings and choosing the themes for their artwork.Click “Get a Recording” to download. Available through June 30, 2020. Watch at your leisure and share with your friends!
The Doctor Is In
What Is Modernism and How Do We Save It?
June 18, 5:30-7:00 pm Pacific Watch Now on our CalPreservation YouTube Channel
Architect and historian Alan Hess has written nineteen books on Modern architecture and urbanism in the mid-twentieth century. His latest book, Frank Lloyd Wright: Natural Design, Organic Architecture was published in October 2012. Hess’ other books include Googie: Ultramodern Roadside Architecture, Forgotten Modern, and The Ranch House. He is currently researching the architecture of Irvine, California, one of the United States’ largest master-planned communities of the 1960s and 1970s. Hess was a National Arts Journalism Program Fellow at Columbia University’s School of Journalism, and received a grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts to research the work of Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. Alan will share stories about his landmark successes and occasional failures in preservation.
Advocating for African American and Black Heritage Series
Part 1 – Housing & Community Culture, June 22. The program includes discussion with and presentations by: Rita Cofield, member of the CPF Board of Trustees and an advocate for the preservation of a 1969 cultural center in Watts that housed the Mafundi Institute, designed by Arthur Silvers, an African-American architect and Amanda Seward, an attorney and advocate for Lincoln Place in Venice Beach, a 38-acre 1949 garden-style apartment complex that is now listed on the California Register of Historic Resources and National Register of Historic Places and designed by architect Heth Wharton and pioneering African-American designer Ralph Vaughn. Watch this program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
Advocating for African American and Black Heritage Series
Part 2 – Documenting Sites of Social Justice, June 29. “Map the Moment” : An introduction to using photogrammetry technology to document protest sites. Thousands of people across the United States have taken to the streets to protest police brutality and demand change to the systemic racism that has been a part of this country since its founding. The physical evidence of this historic groundswell, from broken shop windows and barricades, to graffiti, murals and impromptu memorials, is ephemeral as the system already works to erase these interventions in our urban fabric. CyArk, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the digital preservation of cultural heritage, has decided to document this moment in our local community in Oakland. This short online training session will go into the basics of digital documentation using a DSLR camera to create detailed three-dimensional models of sites of social justice, which often are temporal and difficult to preserve in physical form. This documentation will serve as a record that can also be used to tell the nuanced stories of these events in each city. Speakers: Avidan Fernandez, Kacey Hadick, and Whitney Peterson. You can also access the recorded program on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
Advocating for African American and Black Heritage Series
Part 3 – Curating Culture in the African American Context, July 13. Watch on our CalPreservation YouTube Channel. Public historian, museum curator, professor and writer, Tyree Boyd-Pates (Autry Museum of the American West) will share his insights into including African American heritage and culture in mainstream museum exhibitions. Tyree has been involved in a wide variety of projects that delve into the African American experience in the U.S., including the social unrest of the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans in film, the history of gospel music and hip hop fashion, and more. Boyd-Pates is a dynamic history curator, professor, writer, and speaker who expounds on Black culture from a millennial vantage and mobilizes communities of color through journalism, social media, education, and history. With his work featured in The New York Times, Vogue, The Hollywood Reporter, Fast Company, Fortune Magazine, The Los Angeles Times, and other media outlets, Tyree’s groundbreaking history exhibitions have inspired thousands to visit museums and engage with history anew.
The Doctor Is In
Learning from the Legacy Business Program in San Francisco
July 1. Watch on our CalPreservation YouTube channel.
Mike Buhler, President & CEO of San Francisco Heritage, will discuss SF Heritage’s work to establish the San Francisco Legacy Business Registry in 2015, the first of its kind in the nation, to celebrate and protect the city’s longstanding businesses and nonprofits. Since the program’s inception, more than 230 businesses and nonprofits have been added to the registry. With many now shuttered and facing grave uncertainty, Mike will profile innovative, community-based campaigns to ensure their survival, while addressing long-term challenges to sustaining the legacy business program.
Alfred Hitchcock and American Architecture with historian Christine Madrid French
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel
Neuroscience and architect Richard Neutra with Dr. Barbara Lamprecht and Dr. James Wise
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel
Capturing Modernism with Photographer Darren Bradley
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel
Wicked Sacramento with Historian William Burg
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel
TikiTime with Trader Brandon, Charles Phoenix, Lisa Masi, Kirk Thatcher, historians Diane Kane and Chris VerPlanck
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel
The California Rehabilitation Tax Credit: Status, Updates, Q&A
View the program free on our CalPreservation YouTube channel